Poetry Collections About Strength, Empowerment, Reclamation, and Healing For Women, Men, And Young Adults

Meet Alise Versella - Poet & Author

Alise Versella has been twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize as well as been A Best of the Net nominated contributing writer for Rebelle Society. She is the author of the full-length When Wolves Become Birds (Golden Dragonfly Press 2021), the chapbooks A Psalm for the Weary (Alien Buddha Press 2023), Tender is the Body (Querencia Press 2023), and Maenads of the 21st Century (Dancing Girl Press 2023). Her next full length is due out in early 2024 with Golden Dragonfly Press.
She has been published in the following print journals and anthologies: Breaker Zine, the Opiate, Crack the Spine, Steam Ticket, Penumbra Literary and Arts Journal, Luna Arcana, Soup Can Magazine, American Graveyard: Calls to End Gun Violence, I Can't Breathe Volume 2, Perpetual Doom's Navigation to Nowhere: In Search of Paris, Texas, The Midwest Quarterly, Love Letters to Gaia, The Poetry Bus, The Poeming Pigeon, Circle Show, White Stag Journal, DASH, El Portal, Evening Street Review, Press Pause Press, Ellipsis...Literature and Art, Plainsongs, and Soundings East. In 2021 she was longlisted for the Sappho Prize for Poetry with Palette Poetry.
Versella has worked with Women’s Spiritual Poetry, whose latest anthology, Goddess: When She Rules, raised money for the Malala Fund and is currently part of the Lunar Codex! Kirkus has called her “…[A] boundlessly energetic and promising technician [who] crafts a unique blend of the symbolist and the confessional; a talented, promising newcomer.” She has performed throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and The New York City Poetry Festival and across Zoom screens as well as taught Poetry as Power in local libraries and schools.
Poems [that] are savage yet vulnerable, [with] breathtaking twists of language: talons in the earth and wings soaring in the sky. Transcendent imagery, deep-diving beneath the pelt of women to the beating heart and the fiery brain. I was spellbound.
David Henry Sterry
"Alise Versella sings of the sacred ignored. And just as the bent note in jazz attracts the listener’s attention, the jazzy edge to Versella’s voice attracts ours."
Dave Seter
"Alise Versella opens her mouth and spits a gout of hellfire. The embers scorch the page and paint the world we know in beautiful ruins."
Darrell Parry
Lovely imagery, driven by real passion.
Francesca Lia Block

Check Out My Books!
Check out my collection of books, including my newest collections, "Tender is the Body" and "Maenads of the 21st Century."